
Whatsapp: 6999 9932

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荃灣 海之戀 周先生 周太太 (國際連鎖五星級酒店總經理)

Dear Madam/Sir,

I am writing to commend your Mr. Bridge Lee who is based at your Wanchai branch showroom.

The undersigned is Ocean Pride, Tsuen Wan, Due to our house being a new one my wife and I decided to use Decor House again (last time was for another new house on Haven Street CWB a few year ago). Bridge was the assistant wish to commend Bridge for his professionalism, enthusiasm and level of ownership when it comes to helping and working closely with us to achieve a tremendously successful outcome.

It is note worthy to mention that I am from the service industry myself, and hence I have a good understanding of the responsibilities of designer/architect given the particular scope and nature of Bridge’s work.

For the above, I will greatly appreciate it if you could on my behalf convey my gratitude to Bridge.

Whatsapp: 6999 9932